Monday, January 8, 2007

The mysterious color that lets you see videos!!!

I was just fooling around on my computer and I came across a strange color. Whenever you have a video playing in Windows Media Player, this color will become transparent no matter what program you are in, and let you see through to the video. You probably don't understand what I am talking about. Let me give you a few examples. Don't close your browser right now, because this REALLY WORKS!

Example 1: (Paint)
Open up paint. Click colors > edit colors > define custom colors. Then type these color values and click OK....

Now play a video in Windows Media Player and have it take up a large portion of the screen. Switch back into paint without minimizing WMP. Now take any tool in paint and start drawing. You will see your video playing whereever you drew.

Example 3: (Photoshop)
Open up Photoshop and do the same thing you did in example 2, but type these values into the color picker:


Anonymous said...

slmz,gr8 stuff Ridwaan. just stopped to visit :) weres the tea lol . Thanks for linking me ,check out my blog being doing a few updates :) (finally) ,whats ur e-mail adress ??

Anonymous said... teas coming up:)hey no sweat for the